Who can accuse the chosen?

If you’re a Christian, you are Chosen! But even though you are chosen, you have an adversary – Satan. He will accuse you and tell you God doesn’t love you because you have sinned. But here this verse asks us a rhetorical question. “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen”? It is not Satan that has chosen us or justified us, but it is God who chose us, and “it is God who justifies”. The one who has the right to condemn you has justified you – made you clean and whole in his eyes.

1 min read

What we can control

You can’t control everything in life. You can’t always control the things that will happen to you, but you are in control of how you react to the things that happen to you. Those are hard words to live by, but so true. Jesus spoke of this often. He didn’t tell us that we wouldn’t […]

1 min read

A Great Promise

Life can appear haphazard and even meaningless when looked at from a human’s point of view. We need to see things from God’s perspective. We need to put a divine frame around our lives to give it shape and meaning. Here in Romans 8:28, we have perhaps the greatest verse within the greatest chapter of the Bible. It’s a promise. It’s a promise, that if taken to heart, will bring sound sleep to your eyelids even in such chaotic times.

2 mins read

A New You!

There were more than 700,000 suicide deaths in 2023 alone. People are tired of living. They long for something new but can’t find it. God has an answer for people who are tired of living. The Bible talks about being “born again”, or being born of the Spirit. We were born once physically but we need new birth so that our spirits come alive. Once you are born of God, you become spiritually alive – you become a “new creation” in Christ. Jesus said “You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.” (John 3:7) Do you long for a new life? Jesus Christ can give it to you.

1 min read

What is God like?

Go to any bookstore and you’ll find a plethora of books all attempting to answer the question: What is God like? Religions all over the world ask this very question. Even as Christians we are preoccupied with wanting to know what God is like. The simplest answer to this question is just to: Look at Jesus!

1 min read